Developer's blog
Advanced usage of Acceptance Tests for WordPress

The day is here! I’m writing about tests again. Those who missed the first part about acceptance tests feel free to start with it. There was described environment setup and wrote your first acceptance test. The current article is for teams that already tried and wrote a couple of dozen tests and focused on long-term investing in the test base. I’m going to describe the common things that allow you…
Simple start with Acceptance Testing for WordPress

Acceptance (UI, E2E, GUI) tests are the highest testing layer and describe a customer’s behavior in browsers. Think of them as good old “user stories”. They are all about what a user can do and see. I’m sure that even one such kind of test can multiply improve your code quality. If you don’t have a strong opinion about test needs, I recommend starting with general testing information that I’ve…
What are Hooks in WordPress? How to use WordPress Hooks?

Every WordPress developer knows that hooks the main communication mechanism between the core, plugins, and themes. If not, this is a critically important topic that you should dive into to work with WordPress and its ecosystem. I have participated in a few dozen technical interviews for software engineers with WordPress knowledge and was really amazed that a huge part of them intuitively use hooks but don’t know how it works….
What is Code review? How can you ensure a great Code review?

The code review is the act of systematically and consciously convening with teammates to check each other’s code. It helps to detect problems at an early stage. Generally, the code reviews apply for pull requests. Cross-review is one of the best practices. Cross-review is a code review when the PR’s author and reviewer are different people. The reasons why cross-review is really effective are the fresh look and different targets…
Analyze your code with PHP_CodeSniffer

You can ask me why we should use coding standards? Shortly, to make more strict rules for your code and control the code quality in your team. A lot of similar things you can do differently, using various syntax. I described the basic knowledge about PHP coding standards, WPCS, with simple examples of my own coding standard earlier. This article will describe how to create coding standards as a separate…
The practice of WordPress unit testing

All developers hear about mystic unit tests that must-have, but no one has. As a developer, who has written unit tests for a few years yet, I can say that it’s impossible to write great code without unit tests. Unit testing is the quality tool that helps developers be sure that new code doesn’t break old business logic. Also, the unit tests are the best documentation for developers, and when…